Bunnies don’t lay eggs or write emails

Maybe I’m alone on this…

Even if it seems like nature couldn’t allow it.

I’m admitting I could be wrong.

I don’t hear the other side saying anything.

What’s the controversy?


I have ALWAYS been confused by Easter.


One key issue…

Rabbits are mammals, and they don’t lay eggs.

So, what’s the deal with the Easter Bunny and all those egg hunts?

I’m a curious person by nature and have a tendency to bring that into every aspect of my life. Whether I’m watching a movie, playing sports or reading anything, I’ve always wanted to get to the bottom of things.

Find the deeper meaning and explain my thoughts to anyone listening (my girlfriend says it gets old, but that’s a different email entirely)…

The Easter Bunny dilemma hit a pinnacle for me during my high school journalism class.

I had to find the truth inside the eggs, and it was going to be the must-read feature for the April issue. What were my findings?

It was interesting stuff, but honestly, it didn’t live up to my childhood fascinations.

I built it up too much in my mind.

Now I had to correct that for my readers.

And I pride myself on never missing a tight, scheduled deadline.

So, how could I make this bunny tale (not to be confused with the other spelling) pop off the page? I utilized an email technique I use to this day…

I wrote a specific type of headline I learned from reading Ben Settle.

Nowadays, I understand the real power behind well-written headlines and subject lines.

Back then… I was winging it… But it worked.

The headline is a copywriter’s first weapon for grabbing attention.

And probably the most important one – especially for email.

Maybe even the difference between success or failure, but people don’t worry about that when they hire me. Bunnies don’t lay eggs, and my emails don’t either.

If you’re concerned with your copy (and worry you’re losing sales to your competitors because of it), then you should think about hiring a good copywriter. I can personally help maybe one or two more clients this month, but I’m NOT for everyone.

I’m NOT a cheap (or even very affordable) writing service…

… but I can probably write you better sales copy.

Link to Contact Me: https://smugpelicancopy.com/contactmeforaquote/

As for the bunnies and eggs, if you’re interested in the whole history, there are two ways to find out from me (because there’s no fun in googling things for yourself, right):

1. You can track down an old version of my high school newspaper.

2. You can hire me to write your copy, and I’ll tell you the scoop as a bonus.


Hope You Enjoyed Your Easter Weekend!!!


Jonathan Hartman


Headline writing keys

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