Disqualifying skeptics like horses

The Kentucky derby collects interest from the lowest-life degenerate gambler to the highest-society aristocrate. Heck, even the New England Patriots, including Bill Belichick, showed up in Kentucky this past Saturday.

Almost $150 million was wagered last year, and we’ll find out this year’s total action soon, but I’m more interested in the fallout from this year’s result.

(which ultimately awarded a slower horse the 1st place prize – due to a disqualification)

I had my own wager on the event, and the final ruling did shock/disappoint me for multiple reasons. Sure, I did get to witness history — although I worry at what cost.

I love horse racing. It has brought my family a ton of joy and fun over many years (yes, I know that’s not the case for everybody, especially those poor individuals who have gambling issues, and I generally feel for those families in need and hope they get help). Personally, I want the sport to do well for years to come.

Unlike boxing, I worry this controversial ending, where a majority of bettors left unhappy, might damage the overall interest and trustworthiness in racing.

People are already inclined to believe things are rigged or fixed from the start.

It’s not any different in sales.

Potential customers will always have their guards up when you go in for the sale. Although that might sound like a doomed situation from the start, it does not have to be that way. You still go for the sale, but you don’t want to dodge any concerns.

In fact, there are ways to use people’s skepticism against themselves.

It’s always important to remember the power of answering and fixing shortcomings (either in yourself, your products or offers).

This might all sound a little abstract for some, but I’m simply talking about the small things that make the difference for the most-skeptical buyers.

I could potentially add these things to your copy, if they’re not there already, but please keep in mind all quality copywriting should cost good money.

However, it’s FREE for you to start the conversation — link for my info:

If we are a good fit to work together, and I have the availability, let’s go scratch those skeptics into buyers.


Dealing with skeptics

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